You have Questions... WE HAVE ANSWERS

Chances are you are like most people, You don't even know what questions you have yet!

Check out answers to our most common questions below; If you still have questions after reading this, click here to schedule a quick call.

The short answer is it depends on supply chain, cost and availability. At Sunny Side Solar we only offer Tier One solar panels with the highest efficiency and product warranties. Click Here to find out more about what we offer in your specific area.

This is a common question that we get, and the answer is simple; it’s called Net Metering. In short, Net Metering means that homeowners who have solar receive a credit for the excess energy that is generated from their solar system to use later at night or on a cloudy day when there is no sun. This means in most cases; you don’t need a battery. Each utility has a different program for this, CLICK HERE to learn what is available in your specific area.

There are many different options when it comes to going solar.  We can trim or remove trees, do a ground mounted solar system or we can pull a shade report and see how much shade you actually have.  With the advanced technology our team uses, in many cases, we can still work with a roof that has some shade.   CLICK HERE to set up a site survey so we see if your home qualifies.

At Sunny Side Solar we offer the Tesla Powerwall 3 or the Solar Edge batter. That said, if your utility company offers Net Metering then you don’t need a battery, unless you are concerned about power outages. If you are concerned about outages, we got you covered, as we have many great options available to add a battery to your solar system. CLICK HERE to schedule a brief discovery call to learn more.

When exploring your options to go solar, we have several. This is where our experts come in handy! In terms of cost, before we throw a bunch of numbers out there, we first need to schedule a 10 minute discovery call to see what your goals are and to make sure your home qualifies to go solar. Every home, and family, are unique, which simply means solar is not right for everyone. To find out if your home is a good candidate, CLICK HERE to book a 10-minute discovery call. There is a lot that goes into a solar survey to ensure your home is a good fit, once this has been completed, we will have a much better understanding of what your specific situation calls for.

First, nothing in life is free! If someone is telling you it is free, then they are likely lying to you or not telling you the whole story. At Sunny Side Solar one of our core values is operating with transparency. That said, we do offer FREE INSTALLATION of your solar system, free warranties and free production guarantees.

If you qualify, we will install state of the art solar panels and equipment on your home FOR FREE. By producing your own energy on-site, instead of buying energy from the electric grid that is transported to your home, you can cut out a lot of the extra taxes and fees on your current bill and THIS IS WHERE YOU SAVE MONEY. What you end of paying for is the energy the solar system produces, instead of buying the energy from the utility company. This is where you SAVE A TON OF MONEY. To learn more, CLICK HERE to book a 10-minute discovery call.

This renewable energy program is transferrable to the next homeowner, at no expense, just like the “energy program” they are currently enrolled in with your utility company. This is outlined in the agreement, and this means that you are not LOCKED IN for 25 years. The only thing locked in for 25 years, is the rate you will pay for electricity.

That depends, as I mentioned we have several options available. The good news is, at Sunny Side Solar we can customize a solar system specifically to your goals and desires. That said, each every situation is unique, which is why we our team of experts recommend booking a 10 minute discovery call so we can outline your options. Many homeowners choose to not own the solar because they do not want to make an investment in solar, but they would like to enjoy the benefits of having solar on their home.

Yes, there is currently a federal tax credit as well as some state incentives, however whether you qualify or not is the bigger question. In any case, if you do qualify for a tax credit in most scenarios the homeowners do not end up being able to keep the tax credit. There are several factors to consider. Do you have taxable income? Are you planning on moving out of your home in the next 5 years? Do you own a business? Simply put, if you own the solar system you could qualify for a tax credit, if you choose to have us own the solar then there is no tax credit. Which is better for you depends on your specific situation. Click Here to book a 10-minute discovery call to see what options you have.

That depends, if you own the system, you are responsible for system maintenance; if we own the system we cover all maintenance, insurance and warranties. For this reason, many homeowners find it most beneficial to let us own the solar so we can take the risk, while you enjoy all of the benefits of solar and a reduced electric bill with no risk and no investment.

This is exactly why we inspect your roof before we install solar on your roof. If your roof does need to be replaced before going solar, we are partnered with several top-tier roofing contractors that can help with this. If you choose not to replace your roof the unfortunately, we may need to cancel your project. Either way, the good news is, you can potentially qualify for a tax incentive on the roof as well as the solar system by working with us to help replace the roof. Click here to schedule a 10-minute discover call to learn more.

What are the Next Steps?  

Switch to Solar Energy Today

Follow the Steps Below!

Step One:
A woman sitting at her desk talking on the phone.
No Obligation Discovery Call
Step Two:
A patio with furniture and a fireplace in it
Full Financial Breakdown
Step Three:
Three men in hard hats and safety vests are standing near a solar panel.
Schedule a Site Survey

Step Four

Go Solar, Enjoy The Benefits!